The Sister Clara Muhammad Memorial Education Foundation Needs Your Support
Your support today is more important than ever because of various factors. One such factor is the racial wealth gap. The online Journal of Blacks in Higher Education, on Wednesday, August 17, 2016, reported that the Institute for Policy Studies documented the racial wealth gap over the last thirty years as having increased by eighty-four percent for average European American families, which is three times the increase for African American families. They predict that if this trend continues, it will take two hundred and twenty-eight years for the average African American family’s wealth to equal that of the European American family. Another factor is that society has a need for the sober-minded, moderate, critical-thinking students these schools produce. The graduates, many descendants of ex-slaves, are responsible, accountable, dependable individuals with the disciplined moral fortitude for developing and contributing to a shared freedom space for all humankind that in necessary to build a good family and good community life globally.
Recognizing that “all children have a right to an education in a moral environment,” according to Imam W. D. Mohammed, we encourage you to contribute to the Sister Clara Muhammad Education Foundation , which supports the network of schools, providing an excellent education for our diverse Muslim and non-Muslim student population, many of whom would have little to no other opportunity for a quality education.
We thank you in advance for your financial assistance. Please see the form below and support our cause by pledging your donation today.
Clara Muhammad Schools Approach
to Education and Curriculum Development
The Clara Muhammad Schools' approach to the philosophy, content, and methods of education is based on the guidance of The Quran and the commentary of Imam W D Mohammed. The Ascension of the Soul (Al Miraj) is based on the Night Journey of Mohammed the Prophet [PBUH] into the seven heavens as described in Quranic Sources. As a context for knowledge, the Ascension framework reconciles creation-inspired knowledge with revelation, the roots of knowledge in creation (based on the mathematics of creation) and informs the abilities and faculties of logical understanding of independent thinkers.
As all knowledge and curricula exist in a philosophical and cultural context, using this evolving approach gives us a focus for self and social development that begins with respect for the common soul (represented by Adam), evolves with respect for the obligations of faith and is established by the logic of science and reason - as exemplified by Prophet Abraham [AS] and established by Mohammed the Prophet [PBUH].
The evolving Clara Muhammad Schools' model of education inspires concepts for integrating content, methods of instruction and their application to differing levels of individual and social development. The seven levels in the Ascension are universal and imply a unified and logical approach to knowledge, curricula, and educational methods whose content and pedagogy are in the process of being researched and developed.
The Ascension represents a Quranically based “philosophical” concept of why we educate and what we intend as the goal of education. This new education paradigm guides our efforts to elevate the common human soul for service to The Creator using the life example of the model man, Mohammed the Prophet [PBUH], and his example established in the community life of Medina, called the City of Enlightenment.
Imam WD Mohammed (ra) regarding the Ascension Framework:
“These are steps in the evolution of man who has to be responsible for society.”
Help support our cause and donate today!
You can help support our curriculum development and extracurricular programs by making a pledge to our foundation. Funds raised by our foundation are invested in technology and programs to assist our students in both their educational and moral development. Learn more about how you can help make a difference and contact us today, or read more here.
Contact Us
Post Office Box 170
New Milford, New Jersey, 07646
United States of America
Our Locations:
• Atlanta, Georgia
*with an affiliate in Bangladesh
• Corona-Queens, New York
• Hamilton, Bermuda
• Little Rock, Arkansas
• Miami, Florida
• Nashville, Tennessee
• New Medinah, Mississippi
Schools Opening Soon:
• Compton, California
• Detroit, Michigan
• St. Louis, Missouri